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One of the most exciting and fun ways to make money online today is through Cryptocurrency. What is Cryptocurrency? It is simply a currency made or issued by using cryptography. What makes this type of currency so special is that when it is issued, it can only be spent with the proper digital key. So how much does it cost to make it? Let us start by defining Cryptocurrency. Simply put, it is "Fiat Money" which is widely recognized throughout the world today. Now you are probably asking, "How much does it cost to make this stuff? ". I will answer that question for you here: A Lot! That's right, a lot! Imagine if you will a time in the near future, where all money is based on some type of "Fiat Currency". What would that be? In a nutshell, it would be "Cryptocurrency". Now, what would be the benefits to everyone? Well, let me give you a few: First, by being able to make "Good Money", you are no longer limited in your possibilities. ...